
Inherits From:
Declared In:

Class Description

This class is the "hairy guts" that makes bit forecasts possible.

A bit vector is a group of "words", and each "word" contains 16 indicators. In this model, the bit vectors have 5 words, which means there are 80 indicators possible.

In the substance of this model, a "bit" is an aspect of the world being monitored. In genetic algorithm terms, one can say "NO", "YES" or "don't care", for each piece of information. A bit has values in integer format of 0, 1, or 2. But in binary, that is 00, 01, and 10, and in this class those binary representations are clumped together to be represented by a 32 bit integer, as in


which holds the status of 16 bits. There can be as many as 5 of these in a BitVector. Those words are referred to by the pointer "conditions". The first word can be found at conditions[0], the second at conditions[1], and so forth. Note that these are integer values, but the bit math does work on the binary values. I probably need a computer scientist to translate this for me...

The world in the ASM can give a vector as well, telling us in binary many indicators, whether they are good or bad, 0 or 1. So the bit forecasting agent takes the 0's and 1's from the world, and checks to see if they are used in the forecast, and makes a forecast. All of the checking and setting of forecast bits is handled by this BitVector class.

I suppose, if you are like me and don't like bit math, this is all confusing and you don't care, in which case you can readily ignore the details and just proceed to set the values of bits according to the interface below. Its pretty obvious.

But if you want details, here is a very telling piece of documentation that goes with the function "makebittables", which used to be at the top of BFagent, but now its here, hidden in the dark and not so scary to users:

Construct tables for fast bit packing and condition checking for classifier systems. Assumes 32 bit words, and storage of 16 ternary values (0, 1, or *) per word, with one of the following codings: Value Message-board coding Rule coding

0 2 1 1 1 2 * - 0

Thus rule satisfaction can be checked with a simple AND between the two types of codings.

Sets up the tables to store MAXCONDBITS ternary values in CONDWORDS = ceiling(MAXCONDBITS/16) words.

After calling this routine, given an array declared as int array[CONDWORDS]; you can do the following:

a. Store "value" (0, 1, 2, using one of the codings above) for bit n with array[WORD(n)] |= value << SHIFT[n]; if the stored value was previously 0; or

b. Store "value" (0, 1, 2, using one of the codings above) for bit n with array[WORD(n)] = (array[WORD(n)] & NMASK[n]) | (value << SHIFT[n]); if the initial state is unknown.

c. Store value 0 for bit n with array[WORD(n)] &= NMASK[n];

d. Extract the value of bit n (0, 1, 2, or possibly 3) with value = (array[WORD(n)] >> SHIFT[n]) & 3;

e. Test for value 0 for bit n with if ((array[WORD(n)] & MASK[n]) == 0) ...

f. Check whether a condition is fulfilled (using the two codings) with for (i=0; i<CONDWORDS; i++) if (condition[i] & array[i]) break; if (i != CONDWORDS) ...

Instance Variables

int condwords;
int condbits;
unsigned int *conditions;

condwordsNumber of words of memory required to hold bits in this model
condbitsThe number of conditions bits we expect to actually use
conditionsNo description.

Method Types

- createEnd
+ init
- setCondwords:
- setCondbits:
- setConditions:
- getConditions
- setConditionsWord:To:
- getConditionsWord:
- setConditionsbit:To:
- getConditionsbit:
- setConditionsbitToThree:
- switchConditionsbit:
- setConditionsbit:FromZeroTo:
- maskConditionsbit:
- drop
- printcond:

Class Methods


+ init

init runs the makebittables function, which creates some statically allocated vectors that are used in bit math.

Instance Methods


- createEnd

Allocate dynamic memory to hold the bit vector. There are "condwords"*sizeof(unsigned int) words of memory allocated.


- (void)drop

Release freed memory


- (int *)getConditions

Returns a pointer to the current conditions of the bit vector


- (int)getConditionsWord:(int)i

Returns the i'th word of conditions


- (int)getConditionsbit:(int)bit

Returns an integer (0,1,2) indicating the status of a given bit


- (void)maskConditionsbit:(int)bit

No method description.


- printcond:(int)word

Dump the current conditions to the screen. Use for debugging


- (void)setCondbits:(int)x

Sets the number of bits that this bit vector is supposed to take care of


- (void)setConditions:(int *)x

Suppose a pointer to a set of conditions, x, already exists. This method takes that pointer and then copies its values into the conditions of the current bit vector


- (void)setConditionsWord:(int)i To:(int)value

Set the i'th word of condition to a value


- (void)setConditionsbit:(int)bit FromZeroTo:(int)x

Change a given bit from zero to 1 or 2


- (void)setConditionsbit:(int)bit To:(int)x

Dig into the conditions, find the given bit, and set its value to x


- (void)setConditionsbitToThree:(int)bit

The value 3 is used to indicate that a bit is not in use


- (void)setCondwords:(int)x

Sets the number of words-worth of memory will be used


- (void)switchConditionsbit:(int)bit

If the bit is 1, change it to 2, or vice versa

Version 1.1 Copyright ©2001. All Rights Reserved.