- Inherits From:
- SwarmObject
- Declared In:
- BFCast.h
double forecast;
double lforecast;
double variance;
double strength;
double a;
double b;
double c;
double specfactor;
double bitcost;
BitVector *conditions;
int lastactive;
int specificity;
int count;
int condwords;
int condbits;
int nnulls;
forecast this forecast of return lforecast previous forecast variance variance of this forecast strength strength=maxdev - variance +specfactor. This was the original sfsm specification, not the ASM-2.0 specification a (price + dividend) coefficient b dividend coefficient c constant term specfactor specificty=(condbits - nnulls - specificity)* bitcost. bitcost cost of using bits in forecasts conditions a BitVector object that holds records on which conditions in the world are being monitored by this forecast object lastactive last time period in which this forecast was active specificity specificity count number of times this forecast has been active condwords number of words of memory needed to hold the conditions condbits number of bits of information monitored by this forecast nnulls number of 'unused' bits that remain in the allocated vector after the 'condbits' bits have been used
- - createEnd
- - incrSpecificity
- - decrSpecificity
- - setSpecificity:
- - getSpecificity
- - setConditions:
- - getConditions
- - getConditionsObject
- - setNNulls:
- - setBitcost:
- - setConditionsWord:To:
- - getConditionsWord:
- - setConditionsbit:To:
- - setConditionsbit:FromZeroTo:
- - maskConditionsbit:
- - switchConditionsbit:
- - getConditionsbit:
- - setAval:
- - setBval:
- - setCval:
- - getAval
- - getBval
- - getCval
- - updateSpecfactor
- - setSpecfactor:
- - getSpecfactor
- - setVariance:
- - getVariance
- - setCondwords:
- - setCondbits:
- - setForecast:
- - getForecast
- - updateForecastPrice:Dividend:
- - setLforecast:
- - getLforecast
- - setLastactive:
- - getLastactive
- - setCnt:
- - getCnt
- - incrCount
- - setStrength:
- - getStrength
- - copyEverythingFrom:
- - printcond:
- - drop
- copyEverythingFrom:(BFCast *)from
Given an input forecast object, systematically ask it for all its IVARs and replace current settings with them.
- createEnd
No method description.
- (void)decrSpecificity
Reduce the specificity value of this forecast by one unit
- (void)drop
Free dynamically allocated memory
- (double)getAval
Return a coefficient from demand equation
- (double)getBval
Return b coefficient from demand equation
- (int)getCnt
Return the value of count
- (int *)getConditions
Returns a pointer to an array, the integer representation of the conditions
- (BitVector *)getConditionsObject
Returns an object of type BitVector, the represnetation of conditions that is actually used inside this class or calculations
- (int)getConditionsWord:(int)x
Returns the integer representation of the x'th word in the conditions
- (int)getConditionsbit:(int)bit
Returns 0,1,or 2, for a given bit in the conditions records
- (double)getCval
Return c coefficient from demand equation
- (double)getForecast
Return forecast from this object
- (int)getLastactive
Return the time on which this forecast was last active
- (double)getLforecast
Get forecast from the previous time period
- (double)getSpecfactor
Return the specfactor value of this forecast
- (int)getSpecificity
Return the specificity of this forecast
- (double)getStrength
Return strength of this forecast
- (double)getVariance
Return the variance of this forecast
- (int)incrCount
Increment this forecast's count variable
- (void)incrSpecificity
Raise the specificity value of this forecast by one unit
- (void)maskConditionsbit:(int)bit
No method description.
- print
Return some disgnostic information about the status of variables inside this forecast to the terminal
- printcond:(int)conditions
No method description.
- (void)setAval:(double)x
Set a coefficient from demand equation
- (void)setBitcost:(double)x
Set the variable bitcost at x
- (void)setBval:(double)x
Set b coefficient from demand equation
- (void)setCnt:(int)x
Set the count variable to an inputted value
- (void)setCondbits:(int)x
Sets the number of bits. This is the number of aspect of the world that are monitored
- (void)setConditions:(int *)x
Rather than individually set bits one by one, we might want to set all of them at once. That means we pass in a pointer to an array of words that is the "right size" for all the bits.
- (void)setConditionsWord:(int)i To:(int)value
For low level access to a full word's-worth of the condition
- (void)setConditionsbit:(int)bit FromZeroTo:(int)x
If a bit is currently set to 0 ("don't care"), then change it to something else (1 or 2)
- (void)setConditionsbit:(int)bit To:(int)x
Sets the value of a bit in the conditions
- (void)setCondwords:(int)x
Sets the number of words-worth's of conditions that are going to be used
- (void)setCval:(double)x
Set c coefficient from demand equation
- (void)setForecast:(double)x
Set the forecast of this object to an inputted value
- (void)setLastactive:(int)x
Set the time on which this forecast was last active to an input value
- (void)setLforecast:(double)x
Set the previous forecast of this object to an inputted value
- (void)setNNulls:(int)x
Null bits may be needed if the bit vector that is allocated is larger than the number of conditions being monitored. Since a bitvector allocates space in sizes of words, this might be important. Luckily, in the current design of ASM-2.0 (and after), there are no null bits.
- (void)setSpecfactor:(double)x
Set the specfactor value of this forecast
- (void)setSpecificity:(int)specificity
Set the specificity of this forecast
- (void)setStrength:(double)x
Set the strength value to an inputted value
- (void)setVariance:(double)x
Set the variance of this forecast
- (void)switchConditionsbit:(int)bit
Change a YES to a NO, and vice versa
- (double)updateForecastPrice:(double)price Dividend:(double)dividend
Calculate new forecast on basis of price and dividend information
- (void)updateSpecfactor
Update the spec factor of this forecast. That means calculate: specfactor= (condbits - nnulls - specificity)* bitcost