Project Homepage:
Maybe a picture is worth a thousand words.
The hierarchy of objects looks something like this:
The major aims in the revision from ASM-2.0 to ASM-2.2 have been
Current Maintainer:
Date: November 3, 2001
The documentation for the individual classes can be inspected. Click to your heart's content.
Class Documentation
ASMBatchSwarm ASMBatchSwarm.html
ASMModelParams ASMModelParams.html
ASMModelSwarm ASMModelSwarm.html
ASMObserverSwarm ASMObserverSwarm.html
BFagent BFagent.html
BFCast BFCast.html
BFParams BFParams.html
BitVector BitVector.html
Dividend Dividend.html
World World.html
MovingAverage MovingAverage.html
Output Output.html
Parameters Parameters.html
Specialist Specialist.html
World World.html
Last modified: Wed Oct 31 12:30:16 CST 2001