Paul Johnson Feb 17, 2003 About two weeks ago, Jose and Luis announced they had completed work on a Java version of the ASM. They forwarded the files to me and now I'm posting them to share with you. From a couple of their notes I have assembled this information: Jose Manuel Galán Luis R.Izquierdo As the final year project for our degree (University of Valladolid, Spain), we replicated the Santa Fe Artificial Stock Market (ASM 2.2) in Java with Swarm. We finished it some months ago, but we have been working in other multiagent-models since then. The source code of this work is available for everybody who might want it (we can send it to the Swarm Development Group to be revised if you like). The documentation of the program is also available, though it is in Spanish. We would also like to acknowledge the help of Blake LeBaron and Paul Johnson, and very specially the help of Marcus G. Daniels, because he gave us a light to continue our work. There is only a small clarification: to show the wealth and position windows we have used the jFreeChart 0.7.2 libraries ( because when we did this project I remember there were problems with histogram class of Swarm but the program works. We include 1. the source code 2. A UML description of the java files 3. jfreechart-0.7.2, necessary libraries to run the model 4. Documentation of the model, the javadoc of the model explaining all the variables of methods (sorry, but this is in spanish) Of course if you find any problem with it, write us. Comment us. RGDS José Manuel Galán (University of Valladolid, Spain) Luis R. Izquierdo (Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland)